Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Journey Within a Journey

The countdown has begun. We are a day away from departing the states and could not be more excited! This is officially a test as we are both new at the "blogging" thing. Let us know what you think and if it works out we will continue it retrospectively to cover our entire journey!

Much Love-

Greg & Jess


Pam Rogers said...

Hey Girl! If I can figure out this blogging posting thing... anyone can. Hope your having safe travels at the moment. Have an exciting time and welcome to the S.Hemisphere - Summer! It's hot as crap here in Africa.

lutra said...

the first night [new years eve] it was fun. I had lots of fun, we went on the merry go round and dragons hallow, the merry go round was fast.
I like the picutre you sent me on email.
This end of my message. I just am playing my video game, bye love you.

denise said...

Sounds like wonderful adventures so far. Keep up the posting, and hello to Elaina from us. Be safe.


lutra said...

I went to your house and I well ah, I played with Rio's dogs b/ they were there, and when me and my mome were about to leave anne and rio showed up, and rio asked me to stay over night, first my m said no, and then she changed her mind b/c it was ok with Rio's mom, so I spent the night at Rios, then I went to Zims with hank, Rio and lauren, and went to hanks house, and played a little bit and my mm picke me up and ya know. This weekends working out pretty good, so ah, have fun goin' on that trip. I just wanted to send this note b/ i love you, anyway, this is the end. pause,
I love you, bye.