Monday, June 11, 2012

Life in the Field

We ventured back up to Morasloma this past weekend to do our first mapping session. It is so calm and peaceful in the countryside, and life there definitely moves at a slower pace. We had a very successful mapping session and were able to collect some surveys as well because Oña was buzzing with people on Sunday. I bought some beautiful hand made rugs from villagers in Morasloma, and got to watch the gentlemen as he was working on another- too bad I left the camera in the car as it would have made a breath taking photo. We are headed back to Oña tomorrow for a few more interviews- the information that we are collecting is very intriguing and as crazy as it sounds I am excited to be able to analyze it all!

A tomato del arból plantation.

Preparing for the mapping session

Lassie, the guard to Morasloma- such a sweatheart!

Our headquarters for the night.

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